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                      物业管理前置                                                            沟通渠道建设
                 Consider Property Management            体系建设                      Construction of Communication
                        in Advance                  Establishment of System               Channels                                                                                                                                          About Us

                在规划设计阶段开展卖场客户                   修订和完善物业管理手册,细                   组织开展“物业经理接待日”、
                需求调查,了解客户物业服务                   化物业品质目标和服务标准,                   “设备机房开放日”、“财务经营
                需求,配备相应设施。                      完善客户服务标准体系。                     账务公开”等活动,主动披露物业
                Carry out customer requirement surveys at the   搭建客户关系管理(RCM)信息平  运营管理相关信息,保障业主的
                point of sale and in the stage of planning and   台,主动了解并回应客户的物  知情权。
                design to better understand customers' demand on   业需求。         Carry out activities like “Reception Day of Property
                property service, and equip them with corresponding             Managers”, “Open Day of Equipment Room”, and
                facilities.                     Revise and improve the Property Management   “Transparent Financial Operations”, and proactively                                                                                            Sustainable Operation
                                                Manual, work out specific property quality objectives   disclose information with regard to property operations
                                                and service standards, and improve the standard of   in order to protect proprietors’ right to know.
                                                customer service;
                                                Build an information platform for the management                                                                                                                                           全产业链创新
                                                of customer relations, and take the initiative to
                                                understand and respond to customers’ demands.

                                                                                                                                            Honors and Stakeholders' Comments                                                               Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain

                                              基础服务                  增值服务
                                           Basic Services           Value-added Services                                                                                                  The brand value of China Overseas Property has been ranked the
                                                                                                                                                                                      highest among the value of real estate business brands in China for
                                                                                                                                   价值之冠。                                              six consecutive years.                                 量 质
                  为业主提供基础办公服务、便利支援服务、                                推出房屋租赁业务服务、委托代办服务、网                                               “中海地产”商标被国家工商行政管理总局商标局认                            The trademark “China Overseas Property” was recognized    Quality
                  咨询服务、代办服务、家居特约有偿服务、                                络通信系统工程服务等服务项目。                                               定为“中国驰名商标”。                                        as a “China Famous Trademark” by the Trademark Office of State
                  家庭秘书服务等,满足客户家居生活基本需                                搭建社区客户联谊平台,组织开展亲子乐                                                                                               Administration for Industry and Commerce.
                  求与高层次需求。                                                                                                             中国海外发展连续两年入选恒生可持续发展企业指数                            China Overseas Development has been included into the   安
                                                                     园、传统节日文化、足球赛等活动,扩大客                                                                                                                                                     全
                  加强小区安保人员的培训管理,配备高科技                                户交际圈。                                                         成份股。                                               constituent stock of Hang Seng Sustainable Development Enterprise
                  安全防卫装置,打造立体交叉防卫体系,保                                Provide house rental services, commission businesses, engineering services   中国海外发展第八次蝉联“中国房地产行业领导公司             Indicator for two consecutive years.                  Safety
                  障小区安全。                                             of network communication systems, among others;                                                                      China Overseas Development has been the “Leading Brand in
                  Offer proprietors basic office services, convenient support services,   Build a friendship platform for customers, and organize various activities   品牌”。           China Real Estate Industry” eighth consecutive times.
                  consulting services, agent services, home special paid services, home   such as the construction of a family garden, traditional culture and festivals,   湖南好用的足球竞彩app大厦获评“全国物业管理示范大厦”。  Hunan China Construction Building was awarded the title of a     境 环
                  secretarial services, and other services to meet their basic and high-level   and football matches to expand their social circle.                                   “Model Building of National Property Management”.
                  demands on home life.
                  Strengthen management training for security personnel, install high-tech                                             5月6日,我在网上反映的中海城香克林封顶延期,致                                                                             Environment
                  security and defense equipment, and build a comprehensive defense system
                  to protect the safety of the residence.                                                                          贷款不能如期发放之事,经贵部关注得以解决,目前我们                              On May 6 th , I reflected that China Overseas Property delayed the
                                                                                                                                                                                      topping in the project of Zhonghai Shanklin Town, so that our housing
                                                                                                                                   的贷款已发放。中海客服对待客户认真负责、工作高效,                                                                               员
                                                                                                                                                                                      loans couldn’t be granted on schedule. Upon your attention and care,     工
                                                                                                                                   为我们避免了损失。感谢中海客服!                                   our loans have been issued now. Your responsibility to customers and
                                                                                                                                                                                      highly-efficient work helped us avoid losses. Thank you for your kind    Staff
                                                                                                                                                          ——北京中海城项目  尚先生
                                                                                                                                                                                               Mr. Shang, a customer of  Beijing Zhonghai Town Project  社
                案例:送你去香港                                       Case Study:  Taking You to Hong Kong                                                                                                                                          会
                                                                   After understanding that people in Yirui Mountain Residence         我认购之后由于太忙没有去签约,以为这套房子又买                            After the subscription, I was too busy to sign the purchase
                深圳中海怡瑞山居物业了解到客户去香港存在转车频                                                                                                                                                                                                     Society
                                                               have to frequently interchange to Hong Kong, the Property Company                                                      contract on time. I thought I had missed this opportunity. To my delight,
            繁、耗时较长等困难,与香港旅游公司合作,推出免费包                                                                                              不上了。咱们的工作人员带着购房合同主动到我的公司来
                                                               of China Overseas offered free charter service in cooperation with the                                                 the staff took the contract to my company so that I could sign it, saving
            车服务活动,每月定期包车拉载客户赴港购物,使客户赴                          Hong Kong Tourism Company, regularly transporting customers to      签约,大大节省了我的时间。衷心感谢好用的足球竞彩app地产的工作人                          much of my time. I hereby express my heartfelt thanks to your staff,
                                                               Hong Kong for shopping each month. The new transportation system    员,希望你们事业蒸蒸日上!                                      and kindly wish your business continues to flourish.
                                                               cuts the time spent travelling by half. From 2008 to December 2011,                                                          Mr. Wang, a customer of CSCEC?International Harbor Project
                                                               the Company offered more than 40 free charter services, servicing
                                                               nearly 2,000 people.                                                                     ——好用的足球竞彩app?国际港项目  王先生

       052  好用的足球竞彩app股份有限公司 ?China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告?Sustainability Report 2011 053
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